
أَعُوذُ بِٱللَّهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ، بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 

This page has retired from this life. 

It is kept here as a remnant of potential, past and perhaps with His permission, future. 


first part, from about 12/2020:

if ever He let me be a reason for your smile, a reason for the flutter of the chest, i could only be grateful, that He let me touch the life of one, destined to be loved. these kinds of echoes, of oscillations, not by everyone they're felt or known, alien to the dormant souls with hearts condemned to stay as closets closed. they might never taste the flight of folk whose feet yet rest on ground, but inside their selves breathe in the cosmos, as one are air and hope, lungs and minds, organs not apart, but invariably interTwined. 

second part, 3/8/21:

a pair of strands, as if from the same substance, threads of a cloth, could be either or both, where it stops or it starts, hoping the planted seed of Tomorrow, He lets keep growing inside your chest, fuel for the heart. words are not always my friends, sometimes just what i have, weakness apparent, for a slave has to call on his Rabb, to truly make safe and secure the Future of yours, left not to chance or to rubble or to time, but with little bricks and cementing mortar, able with His aid, to become a destiny worthy of being aimed for.


third part, originally from ~6/2/20: 

"In twinship, concern is not concern. It is memory relived. You to me is and was high and low, drowning and falling but one is always at shore or waiting to catch the other. An exchange of survival. Time passes but the CPR is the same. One breath for you then one for me and somehow we both breathe a little easier. Through the fickle moments, subconsciously near and dear, with an unknown face and a naked soul, but I do not mind. Faces are fleeting and souls are forever."

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