
-in the name of Allah-

the comprehensive update

so among the notable events of the past few days, i went to DE to visit my bro's family and meet my littlest nephew Abdullah; the question is posed: when are babies not cute? seems to be impossible in my limited experience; alhamdulillah i havent had the chance to bear witness to such a thing (lol). as it should be. on another note, the second day of spring break proves as minutely fruitful as the last. as it can be expected i guess. lately, though, poetic thoughts have begun a come back, challenging my contemporary thinking processes: is expression unexpressed worthy of stagnating in the mind and not seeing light of day? i think it'll see.

(composing slowly, coming soon)


Anonymous said...

ive seen some ooogly newborns. they get cute after a few months though. thank god.

Abu Turab said...

you came to delaware and didn't see me??

i'm officially offended.