
- in the name of Allah -

sometimes I am given pause to wonder just what is the role of one who thinks in this dunya. if we are not involved, do we devolve? are our struggles to integrate schisms of digression, or efforts worthy of investment? I saw something I did not know I would see, yet its meaning and force could not have been felt any more. it brings me to another question, what do we want for others? do we want the same things for them as we do ourselves? if they have attained happiness, then can that, should that be enough? to remove any unnecessary guessing, it was her. a happily married picture. an amalgamation of emotions rose that yielded this very fine point: though sadness can be and oftentimes is inevitable, happiness need not exclude itself from it; one can be both happy and sad, simultaneously. alhamdulillah, this isn't a time, there are no more such times for me, where reminiscing becomes a tragic, vogue tendency. I...have moved on. it is time I unpublished the other blog, and pursue greater meaning, from


Reham said...

The earth continues its path around the sun, and so must we.

There are times when a tragedy of the past is a blessing for the future.

The Prophet PBUH said: "la takrahona shay'an asaahu khayrun lakum" - Do not hate anything for it may be good for you.

Reham said...


I think you misinterpreted my meaning. My reply was a reply to your post, not the comment on my blog.

Also, the above-mentioned hadith doesn't indicate any sort of passivity.

In fact, acceptance of a given hardship in anyone's personal life requires a lot of effort as opposed to living in the past.

And to tie it into what you mentioned about the ummah, I think truly acknowledging our present and discontinuing living in the past is one of the steps the "ummah" must take first before moving on to plans for the future.

Reham said...

Yes, I do live in the occupied territories, or as I like to fondly call it "Balesteen" :P

Anyhoo, I figured as much about your personal situation when I read the post.

Take it from someone who has been through a similar situation, it WILL get easier, time DOES heal all wounds, and life WILL go on.

Cliche, and perhaps a bit hard to accept now, but believe you me, it just needs a little time.

And always remember love of God is the only love that will never disappoint.

Oh and... I don't mean to come off sounding as if i'm lecturing.

Take care,
