
- in the name of Allah -

One of the biggest issues with making long journeys is not being worn down by them. Depending on how long it is, however, such a state might be unavoidable. This is where I find myself. Life, as the consummately worthy journey, fails to hold the same blaze of yearning for me that it once did. What goals are there to have that will not erode in time, that will pass the test of history while we are still alive? My single footprint on humanity is so small, I have affected so few, that I should think my purpose little more than to live out the rest of my days. I do not wish to lead, per se, nor do I wish to be a blind follower. However, the roads for the one seeking the in-between are few, if any. I have lost or am losing my passion, for wanting, for having, for needing..that which compels humanity forward, gives it purpose it can taste in the air and reason as fire to send the senses alight. My idealism hasn't existed for years now, but its shell now seems to have been felled in whole. How shall I find again the spark, that drove me once, and without which I feel I shall forever static remain?

1 comment:

yumyumna said...

my reply to your comment: I Dont Know how the stalker got my email address, but it's my pen email so it's available in a couple different places, but there's no personal information attached to it.


as for you yearning to do something in the world....stop thinking on such a huge scale. Focus on your immediate surroundings first. If you can first become a better muslim and then help the people in your community become stronger as well, then you have a pretty good start. No instead of you, the lone speck on this earth, are now an entire community, therefore a slightly bigger speck on this earth. Eventually, make your community grow and reach other communities to form a unified city/state. As your influence, connections, and unity grow, your speck on the face of this earth is also growing. That is how you can impact the world. Do something big or useful for humanity.