- in the name of Allah -
The past month has been busier for me personally than the past year. Imagine that.
Alhamdulillah, some things that were my lifelong obstacles have been mainly overcome, namely: I now have a job, alh again. Those things are hard to come by these days, and I am fortunate to be one who is not in dire straights and yet has still acquired a certain measure of stability.
However, I find that certain elements of my persona are clashing with one another. I am at heart one who loves silence and contemplation, and often times this is done by being alone. On the other hand, I love conversing with people to find out what they know and how they feel and to read them as they are, things which usually require one to be around people, and frequent conversation. These 2 things appear as a paradox: how might they be resolved? Advice will be given much reflection iA.
Once I have recharged my batteries, I'll come back here to post something of my poetics iA.
إن في خلق السماوات و الأرض و اختلاف الليل والنهار لآيات لأولي الألباب
thats why you got night and day bruh
Oh Shakir, thanks for being so relatively vague.
lol :/
Good point though, your ayah matches up perfectly with where I was going with my sentiments. Being now a mainly night shift person at work, I am faced with the contradictory dilemma of mixing up the purposes of night and day. I have not yet resolved this.
I just hope Allah makes me among those who see His signs in those things! (ameen)
i'm afraid you're not the only one who suffers this paradoxical nature... it is certainly difficult to find a balance between 3uzlah & community...
in an ICNA-MAS conference in CT once, shiekh AbdelNasir Jangda said for every hour you spend with people doing islamic work, you need double on your own with Allah swt...
and then, one thinks to oneself, what about te time im not doing islamic work?
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