
-in the name of Allah-

the future may shine bright and liven lives but my shades are drawn and it all seems so contrived. in my most stable of states ive tried giving meaning to the many hands of fate, only to see myself fall through the floor of ambition to a nowhere all too familiar, all too real in disguise. its been so long since ive even cared ive forgotten how to taste hope in the air and love in the water, once i had faith, but it seems ive effortlessly lost her. you may place blame on myself and my self alone, but if i cant resolve this life then death is truly an easier abode. most people say they arent ready to die, i say im not ready to live, ive believed to the farthest reaches but when those reaches only seem to go so far in reality's grip, i lost hold of the firmest things ive ever known. now ask me if i believe what i claimed ill reply i still do, but i havent a damn of a reason to care seeing how somethings are beyond me and beyond the face the mirror too. surely without doubt time will pass and my decree as its fated will be made clear, maybe some day ill find peace in a place without hunger without loss without fear.

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