
-in the name of Allah-

it comes down to these very words for another to see just where it is exactly that i am, and where exactly i myself foresee. i wont predict tomorrow's weather or pretend to know yesterday's detail to the letter, but i know theres a point in life where either one forward goes or for ever remains backwards trotting. i cant and i wont live in a past that has me shackled to dreams more in the shape of prisons than reasons to rise higher against the odds with or without means. i will choose the unknown and its potential over the past and its misery mired in the existential. in these words, though they may seem opaque to some, i will make it clear: the goodbye is eternal and unremitting, so henceforth dont bother to write or speak to me any words or thoughts contained by your sanity. some things i must do for my self in the end, for my soul to survive and accept the truth once more, and so with these words and a closed chapter in my life's book do i annoint you a part of history, history by-gone and maybe forgotten but in the end, we live for tomorrow not for yesterday.

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