
- in the name of Allah -

Everyone seems to be rushing towards the shores of acceptance while I remain a lone malcontent, wishing tomorrow was a bastard from today or the day after, a poor man trying to pay a decade’s worth of rent. Sun rises and sets don’t seem to carry their weight anymore, either that or aesthetics lost their appeal and all the colors became blurrily myopic through the dusty window of a ready-made store; only that ready-made stores no longer exist as the devil crept down from his throne and gave people a few more toys to play with. The community died when the individual was born, resulting in a society of separate and separated islands, each wanting its own when there’s no space for egos even when they’re silent. Speech is borne to dust and money and lust prevail as goals subtly disguised in the name of progress, the age is nicknamed liberal while truth is shackled to radioactive minerals, still digging the mines and providing the shinier things at its own expense, leaving the armies above to trample in ignorance while laying for their own selves a land of mines. I began these words with a personal aim but look I’ve diverged and my own purpose seems a casualty by indifference slain. I don’t care to look at the past if I rather live today, but when I look around me mountains and trees are falling while nature is supplanted with science and a metallic glimmer I find appalling. I wonder if science is the backbone of today’s democracies, governments and puppets who think they’ve played their roles in establishing order in a midst of perpetrated and perpetual chaos. Science or not, I think it was all lost when people commonly thought life without a god was the life to be lived, that killing the origin of ideals would solve the nuisance of metaphysical contributions, but alas, the physical that is meta is meta with reason and not such that their blunt swords and blades can penetrate while covered in treason. Life needs a purpose, no scientist can prove this, take it away and life is a rose dying with but a thorn to leave the world’s beauty a little more lifeless. She’s getting married today, a past I knew is hitting the winds and fans of time at a speed I never knew existed, with a dispassionate heave that I never thought I could muster, but its true, the instinct of survival persisted. I’m supposed to find fitting words in these last few lines, something to claim a grasp over the whole tribulation, but the metaphors and similes fail me; the icy grip of truth robs the heart and gives reins to reason, letting the ashes fall and the dust blow. Writing for ages wouldn’t soften the landing, but if there’s no landing, there’d never be another flight, another soaring to dare the skies of destiny and challenge a future I never knew lay ahead of me.

1 comment:

MnM310 said...

so true...if we never experience failure, or dissapointment we won't strive for anything greater. Difficulties are sometimes truely blessings in disguise.


~ m ~