-in the name of Allah-
Another day of this drawn-out summer comes to a close, and in some ways, one thinks how the start was different than the end. As in the previous post, a perhaps-sinking ship was rescusitated, and aside from this, dramatic leaps were made in self-actualization. It is true that from then until now, I and this significant someone have undergone major strides in what constitutes our relationship. However, there is one easily-overlooked domain that strikes me as the same.
In pouring forth the contents of a well for another to drink and gain knowledge thereof, where is the increase in knowledge that I myself am lacking yet unable to account for, in terms of how and why it has not been met? In the transportation systems of America, without any examination of its ethics or morality, it can easily be said that these systems are highly efficient, and maintain fluid traffic movement in often multi-directional situations. In the simplest and most basic of designs, such as that of back road or unfrequented street, there are still accomodations made for two-way traffic, and such understanding is built on the fact that people may need to come and go in both directions. It is odd that these parallels are not consistently adopted into the paradigms humanity builds for itself, or often it is that these paradigms disintegrate in form and purpose from that original design of simplicity and meaning in existence that made them so functional and desirable. It may be that is but another of the mysteries of the universe that only time, in its unabashed march to a final reckoning, will ever be able to answer for us.
Another day of this drawn-out summer comes to a close, and in some ways, one thinks how the start was different than the end. As in the previous post, a perhaps-sinking ship was rescusitated, and aside from this, dramatic leaps were made in self-actualization. It is true that from then until now, I and this significant someone have undergone major strides in what constitutes our relationship. However, there is one easily-overlooked domain that strikes me as the same.
In pouring forth the contents of a well for another to drink and gain knowledge thereof, where is the increase in knowledge that I myself am lacking yet unable to account for, in terms of how and why it has not been met? In the transportation systems of America, without any examination of its ethics or morality, it can easily be said that these systems are highly efficient, and maintain fluid traffic movement in often multi-directional situations. In the simplest and most basic of designs, such as that of back road or unfrequented street, there are still accomodations made for two-way traffic, and such understanding is built on the fact that people may need to come and go in both directions. It is odd that these parallels are not consistently adopted into the paradigms humanity builds for itself, or often it is that these paradigms disintegrate in form and purpose from that original design of simplicity and meaning in existence that made them so functional and desirable. It may be that is but another of the mysteries of the universe that only time, in its unabashed march to a final reckoning, will ever be able to answer for us.
"where is the increase in knowledge that I myself am lacking yet unable to account for, in terms of how and why it has not been met?"
= )
should i, for a minute, believe that the world is revolving around me? if not, then i cant answer ur question. if so, then i'll see what i can do.
Though some worlds are smaller than others, there is at least one I know of where your star stays shining. It also doesn't matter how many millennia pass since it came into being, it'll always want to know to how you're doing. If Allah wills it is better, then I'll come to know. :)
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