
- in the name of Allah -

It never ceases to amaze me how in the sight of family, there are no such things as distance and seperation. Sure, you find the moments of some choosing sides or those irreconcilable differences that cause divorce and the like, but I wonder at how often, if it came down to life or death and jumping off a cliff or grabbing hold of someone's hand, the truth would come to light.

What could possibly make a family ever greater? .... If the whole ummah was a part of it.


MnM310 said...

wow, that would definitely be a tough situation to be in. Choosing like that would be something I don't even want to fathom.

Oh and..You've been tagged homie. Check out my blog for instructions :)

~ masalaam ~

Anonymous said...

"What could possibly make a family ever greater? .... If the whole ummah was a part of it."

That was so beautiful, I had to comment, lol.
