
- in the name of Allah - 

If all that glitters is not gold, then I see life itself a bronze-plated dream, hiding its own truth from the universe for eons untold. There are few patterns like mine, running out of sync with societal wheels and chimes, so many spokes but never quite the right road or right clime. Always I wonder if there is a way to explain, a way to make understand, everyone I've ever known, that to me this life is not the place for who I am: I want no lies, no half-truths, no deceptions, no desire-laced temptations, no delusions, no pretensions, no malice, no regrets, no envy, no ego lording over my own sanity, no inevitable regressions.

In truth, all I seek is the very essence of that which glitters and is truly golden, not this pale shadow of ambition pretending as purpose all-knowing. There is no true home here, no desired occupation, no open governmental seat, no legislative board without a penchant for power's intoxication. People crave their immediacies, the evident, their life's necessities, eventually losing sight of what makes living more than just a series of repetitious tendencies. 

I suppose this leaves me in it all the dreamer, waiting to find his awaking moment, when shrouds cast off and the mirage disappears, making the truth at last crystal clearer.

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