
- in the name of Allah -


rises and falls, from empires to market stalls, where does one wanderer fit amidst the chaos and thrall? even now as I can gaze across time, seeing past mistakes and follies in their prime, life presents few gifts not masquerading as delusion decadently sweet or denial doused in lime. so thus I preserve in bulletproof cases, all ideals from both past and future, against enemies both obvious and nameless. sometimes I wish I could be free to care as fully and want as wholly as I did then, but loss is a tricky thing - a serpent without skin, slithering its way inside, trying to betroth one's soul to sin. many times I've fought, many times I'd lost, but Allah kept my breath going, allowing me the moment to see at last what was worth owning: Gardens of bliss, underneath which, are so many rivers flowing. 

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