
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

I suppose it's nice to be somewhere in between:
the heavens and the earth
the skies and the seas
the wind and its breeze

pushing or pulled
sewn close or apart at the seams
juxta- all the -positions
while unknowns comprise one's destiny

sometimes happiness is the shade
on a hot summer's day

sometimes sadness is the rain
on a chilly winter's night

sometimes weather altogether absent
as feeling loses flavor, becoming merely templess

no tragedies = a gift, no elations = a caution, 
hand in hand walk these twins
hopefully fearing while fearlessly not needing hope as often

my Rabb, my respite, while soundless this desert, 
perhaps scorching the heat, my senses left senseless
as the moment consumes 
and walking forward
the only end, of a journey sometimes endless

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