بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
As the furnace cools, by one degree or two, the path ahead is easier to behold, when the present isn't so inflamed, or frozen underneath what is unknown. Though I don't know which moments might be right, for the spark to bring again its light, I trust my Rabb to make all those seconds in between, vanish in an instant when it's better as He might deem. Part of the trade with Him we've now made, to not push too hard or pull too fast, so when timing is just right, is when He brings it to pass. Tomorrow is the diamond in our soil of this earth, slowly forged by what He wills us to find of ache and toil, that we might reap the best of what He makes us worth. Love, what shines through this diamond, something for us to chase towards Home, as His guiding beacon.