
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Sigh. So this was supposed to be the week where docs were going to tell me the results of the biopsy and we'd have an idea of what we're facing. Turns out not to be the case, as apparently what they took out of me (using the surgical method that gave most tissue yield, ironically), was inconclusive. Now they want a pet scan next to get some idea what the mass is...smh. 

The waiting continues, though alhamdulillah incision is healing well and physically I feel like my old self for the most part. Wish I had more info to go on right now, but like with most things of my life, my Rabb sees fit for answers to take their own time. That is the qadr of Allah, He does what He wills after all.   

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