
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

there are some who meet me, and will only graze the surface, growing like grass in a field, taking what the top of the soil holds, and not much further. 

then there are those who meet me, and slip beneath the surface, somewhere close to the heart, not grasping the depth but able to lean comfortably nonetheless, a swimmer with an underwater cave of air and life.

aaand then there is the one who settled into my soul, as gently and innately as one cloud melds into another, their moisture and altitude equivalent, able and willing to coexist at every temperature, resonate with every breath, as if another's existence was a mirror to their own. 

given what i seek, this life could never suffice me. not with the treasures He has kept in store, not with the bliss i have longed to share, only one place is enough. though the truth is i couldn't say how far my time here goes. i simply have to keep extending what good i can, to whomever is in reach, for all the remaining time there is. some would rather not meet Allah, out of ignorance or not having kept their covenant. but of all the beings one could possibly meet, converse with, learn from, who could ever be more worthy than He? not a single other. there is much that only He knows, much that only He can judge, and i have oft wanted to gain some of that knowledge, and know, with Him, where I truly stand, the full measure of the self. 

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