
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


I don't want to bury you in expectation or prose, just lift you up with my hopes, past whatever pain we might have known, into serenity distilled by the path we chose. My trust isn't upon you, or even myself, it's only Allah Who will see my vision through. The only weight on my shoulders is to be mindful of the commands He's ordered, to give truth in kindness without malevolence or arrogance in disguise. 

I'm not a pruner, you're not a tree, I'm not there to cut off who you are, but to help you reach who you could be. I don't seek to control, or to tell you how to live, just to be your solace, against any harm that life may bring. 

Such are my ambitions: to carve from this life, that which brings serenity and joy, for me and the one who would be called my wife.


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