

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

began 11/29, not long before the Sunflower

some way, some how, I’ve fallen short of You,
even if I stacked all my deeds
like chips upon a table,
I’d lose the bet of worthy being,
for if I am
I can never be enough or able.

In every thing I attempt,
in all that I intend,
I see my -comings ever shorter-,
the end of a stick
so frail,
it’d snap in two
at the lightest wind.

can’t help but think or feel our distance grows
the slave from his Master,
do I realize further the chasm
with things You bring me to know?

Oh Rabb, how can I nearness seek,
when I am the puddle’s fish
with out its school
unaware of sustenance,
floundering about,
in my own cage,
barely beast,
that finds for itself but doom as stage?

If You shelter me not,
if You do not forgive,
if You do not encompass me always,
I will be as dust
though human You have me made.

I beg, being one of those most needful begging,
for without You I’ve always been
simply nothing.

Your care, is my sanctuary,
Your pardon, my relief,
Your acceptance,
changes into Hope
all my pangs of grief.

If You erase not my sins
they would swallow my soul,
as drops of ink
lost amidst a darkness, deeper
than the blackest hole.

But for Your favor shown,
I could have no aims,
and would but stand alone,
but with my submission,
my surrender,
of my most precious pieces,
at last
breath is easier to breathe.   

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