
- in the name of Allah -

edge of oblivion

the cliff, this rail, my strength, it pales, 
to fall, like flying, in reverse, gravity, the hearse.
life, the menace, a plague, oblivion, its cure swift.

the wind, my need, grounded, all it bleeds.
streaks of red, amidst a heart, cannot beat, lifeless.
envision dream, to life, blinded, apart at seam.

mortals fail, earth crumbles, ash to ash, my tale:
thought, too grand, action so base, impossible to plan,
past hope dispersed, drifting, far from place. 

apathy, crudest of brushes, unadorned, a bludgeon,
leak away senses, shallow, for precision, a mallet.
scales, askew, matches lit, a flame, bonfire, void is due.

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