
- in the name of Allah -

Now re-learning one of the most important aspects of my former being: istikharah. It's been so long, I have missed it quite a bit. Not surprisingly, it reminds me of a road in the past I chose, to lead my way towards the most precious of abodes. Like most things nowadays though, it just points me forward, towards Allah, towards His blessing, His mercy, the gifts I hope to find with Him. iA will start making istikharah more commonplace in life, I think at its root is something I've been sorely lacking for a very long time: true tawakkul in Allah, finding and holding that peace that comes from understanding human limitation and accepting and beseeching Allah for His help to overcome those frailties and inadequacies. I have had some parts of this equation at one time or another, but never quite all in one piece, never quite with the eye on the future I now have. ~ Tomorrow, my goal, today, my wish, always, my hope; iA.

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