
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Found out the other day that Morocco's extended its lockdown another 30 days, so the Gift kept away for a while longer. Not too much going through the mind about it, this year's gone deeper and farther than anything ever before. 

Alhamdulillah though, sight looking forward and I'm not stuck in the moment when I can see ahead. Maybe my most treasured recollection from this year I already found, something He permitted me to learn about a month back..a future memory from my Moon. If someone had asked me a year ago, or anytime in the past really, what I'd have given to be able to have a keepsake like that...I think my answer would've been anything. Fortunately for me, my Rabb made the (partial) price of it just a couple things, and I have my fam intact and all my limbs, so alhamdulillah quite a bit more :)

The journey ahead is what it is, but somehow, my beloved mean even more to me than I realized they could, and this resonance helps sustain in moments that otherwise would've dried my ocean out. Prayers been better too lately, alhamdulillah. Seems like the grip of treatments easing out more so at the end of each second week, but next one is comin. C'est la vie, few more months iA, and free of it for always

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