
-in the name of Allah-

There was a fence that needed overstepping, over it I have stepped. There is a sea that needs traversing, across it I have traversed. Though no lyric nor rhyme could fully encompass my purpose, I know peace at last, though peace is not always hurtless.


ShakirSahab said...

so was this before or after we came to your house!?


Anonymous said...

zz lol why you guys just don a let me finish recuperating/wasting some time of my life away? :P

Anonymous said...

Mashallah, great blog.

Anonymous said...

because they care bout u f00

ShakirSahab said...

^^ i dunno bout all THAT

Anonymous said...

i think you would really like this book..
Broken Wings by Khalil Gibran. it's a short story, available online right here: http://leb.net/gibran/works/BrokenW/broken.html

uber tragic though...