
-in the name of Allah-

With the arrival of internet after a prolonged absence, things seem to mellow out again. There's little concern left for much anything, I guess something called apathy. A self defense mechanism, apathy can be helpful in small doses but dangerous when overused. Anyway, I need to write something for some reason..

sick of the idiots and imitators, the world seems to be full of marathon runners livin on defribillators. i could be myself a million times over inside and out and my example would only gain dust instead of amounting to anything substantial like trust. people don't learn on the average so that's probably why i'm hoping for a prodigy to be born from from the mist of where so many ships have been led amiss. i care and i dont and i speak and i wont, i live and i die and i wonder not why but how the world can close its eyes to the blatant truths and blatant lies. i don't demand answers for ignorance has no reply, but i still can't seem to prod the sheep brains into being a little better than what's already ordained. some might decry my words as claims to perfection but i have no pedestal to seek glory or praise so their claims are based on thin air and tainted with jealousy's shade. people want glory and power and money and fame and acclaim to title and status in clouds either nimble or stratus but i'm a grounded root who's offshoot is buried in truth. i'd rather love once and have lost than to never have loved like those fools who think they know but really to them its just about show. i've looked into my pits and seen the chains of my soul, seen them so well and defined they almost sliced me into half from when i whole but still i realize and can't lose sight of the end of this life- living to be a little more deserving of Allah and His mercy wherever death finds me in its grip of finality unrelenting.




Anonymous said...

you're one to fight the wall.

Anonymous said...

damn right