
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

from 9/18, finished 9/25

If you ever wonder what makes me tick, or where my vision was borne, don’t have to look very far, just find a mirror, and there’s the nomad’s shore. I can picture you now, head in your hands, smiling a gaze, across a table or couch, before your gravity pulls me close and so I pick you up from your place, carry you in my arms to the edge of clouds atop the highest of Heavens, and savor in your eyes the blossom of joy and exultation.

Thus would my heart be manifest, brought to life, possible only with all He gave of His forgiveness. Much of wonder have I saved, still more to plan, for how to make you breathless, not wishing to stand, rather laying back, utterly relaxed, soaking in love, this is how Eternity begins: the spark and its flame forever lit.

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