
-in the name of Allah-

This poetic is somewhat overdue, but there's no time like the present.

My Companion

When I speak, He is there to listen
When I think, He is there to know
When I grieve, He is there to strengthen
When I fall, He is there to show

I need not utter a single word or phrase
I need not bother with expanation's haze

His words come as waterfalls cascade
Through me, a shiver echoes within a cave

There are times I suffer, times I rejoice
All throughout, He steadies my inner voice

This life we live but Him to glorify and praise
In worship's peace, with no grander stage

It is true, many people I love
But fitting it is, He remain a level above

As one myself reminded, seek only good in others
So improves our own stability, in minds unshuttered

So, now I refine my purpose, to humans relative
Move past our faults, to thoughts more sedative

Circling back, where did I begin?
It was with Him, who guides me from within


Anonymous said...

uh...i just left a comment n it didnt show up = (

fatty said...

thats cuz ur comments are crap. just like ur face,just kidding u have a pretty face :whatever:

to the point: nice blog yusuf,impressive... impressive...