
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


Don't ever cry, don't you ever sadly smile, just because you're one who's always loved, even if that love might take some long while. Don't have to end on happy notes, just go along with life like normal goes, and if any day should come, to darken skies absent light of sun, then may Allah let me shine hope your soul upon. You don't owe me anything, be free as is the wind, that which comes and goes, at need or whim, give him all you can, and let us see what Tomorrow brings. Though oft my words may in sorrow drift, above them all I chase my Garden's bliss. Perhaps more of them I'll write, places I have yet to see, joys I've yet to give, inshaAllah. 

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