
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


as the blessing reaches skyline in proportion, measureless and beyond sight extending, the only words I can muster: shukr to my Rabb for every one of His favors unending. this present is far past any future I ever imagined, the wholeness of it I can never capture, writing just a meager attempt to recognize in this His glory and splendor; easiest to notice when the storms have calmed, when the seas subside, when the downpour is a trickle gone, knowing through it all, I am still alive.

if ever I've complained, it's because I was blind to all the gifts He gave, not merely the physical senses, or even the capacity of a heart willing and strengthened, but His way of stitching the tapestries of fate, that I never lost a thing I'd loved, just He took care of them so we might find a better place. no words or deeds of mine will ever suffice, to repay what He's shown and let me find in solace and light, but still I'll try for ever after, with His help a guide towards immortal life.

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