
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

These past two weeks, some of the most inexplicable and treasured time I ever have known on this earth. It is as if my Yesterdays, everything that had happened to me in the past, trials and pain and difficulty, all of it literally evaporated....absorbed entirely into the Tomorrow I seek. 

Words, they fail me now more than ever, but alhamdulillah I don't mind this in the slightest. It simply means this particular blessing, at this point in my evolution, is so great, so vast, that I can only resort to my Rabb in such expressionlessness (newly coined word, tyvm).

With Allah's permission, there is one, a beacon for whom I hope I am ever a spark for her light, regardless what position or standing I have in this life. No matter the darknesses we may stumble into, no matter the insufficiency we find in dunya, so long as our light points us back to our Creator, then we're fine, there is no fear, only contentment in being reminded of Him.


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