
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Of anything I could have dreamt, it had you in it. We're in a big stadium, good number people sitting at random distances away. At first you're sitting on the bleacher seat, maybe legs crossed, a bit hard for me to tell because I'm laying down to the side of you with my head and nose nestled next to your beautiful gluteal muscles, looking in the opposite direction (I think you face the center of the stadium, my gaze is in other direction). You're laughing because I coined a term, something like "moonside" or "moonslide", to describe the position my head adopted next to you. 

In the next frame, we're in the same place, you're laid back and reclining, kicking your legs up kind of chill, I'm sitting on a row right below so my arm is level enough to be your head/shoulder pillow. The moment is so amazing, I want to take a picture of it, but there's some annoying foreign-language app on my phone stopping me from opening it. You're joking a bit as I struggle to take the pic, kinda saying not to worry and don't take it, lots of people around, including your fam, and eventually I see the wisdom of that even though my stupid phone won't work.  And so the dream ends with you relaxed as could be, and something for me to remember. 

I have never, ever, been able to dream of you at-will. Those few treasures came and went, never in my control, no matter how much I was or wasn't feeling. That such a thing happens now, I can only just say Allah does what He wants, when He wants. Alhamdulillah.

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