
from the Barrel of a Pen

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


I know your peace of mind is priceless, which is why I never mind the price of silence, sometimes close, sometimes hiding, restraint manifest in wisdom of choosing that which keeps you earnest. Life teaches me there's much I can't know for the moment: how your journey goes, struggles you face, letdown kept inside so nothing outward shows, happinesses of holding nephews (maybe soon nieces?) and loving them like your own. One day to come, with His permission, I plan to break the silence, just for that instant, hoping I can catch up on all and everything you've experienced, since last we spoke and a little of the ocean, transmitted along soundwaves, helped for ever onward going. 

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